Monday, August 30, 2010


Jaxon started soccer this weekend.  He played his first game on Saturday.  His team is called "The Sharks".  He loves the name.  I think he likes it.  I can't really tell.  He looked a little bit intimidated by the other kids. They are pretty aggressive little soccer players for 5 years old.  Jaxon kind-of hung back, while they all battled for the ball.  It was pretty funny to watch.  We were so proud of him!  (I think he liked the juice and snack at the end of the game best of all.)

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Drive In

I have not been to a drive in movie in FOREVER. Literally...I think it has been about 15 years.  The last one I went to was when Rich and I were dating...pre-mission.  Rich has been talking about going since we moved here, but I have been putting it off.  I don't really know why I didn't jump at the chance.  Jaxon loved it!  He loved sitting in the car to watch a movie.  We put the seats down, and made a bed out of the back.  It was so cute to see him so excited. 

Jeff and Brianna's Visit

Jeff and Brianna, and Ian came to visit us a couple of weeks ago.  We had a great time at the beach.  Then at the beach again, and at the beach again.  I love that they wanted to hang out in the sand all week.  The ocean makes me happy.  We had a great time.  We loved having them here, and Jaxon can't get enough of his new cousin, Ian. 

Monday, August 2, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Jaxon started Kindergarten today!! It is official...he is a school kiddo now! We are on year round school in Corona, so his track started the latest (if you can believe it). He is in afternoon Kindergarten and his teacher is Mr. Young. Jaxon seemed excited about school today...or maybe it was just his WICKED Transformers lunch box. Either way, he had a smile on his face. I, on the other hand, was a mess. I followed the wise advice of my mother. I did not cry in front of Jaxon. When I left the room...all bets were off. I was bawling my eyes out. When did this happen? When did he become old enough to be in school? I finally got it together, because my amazing husband took the day off to distract me. So sweet. We actually went to a movie...together. Hey...maybe this school thing might not be so bad!!