Monday, September 13, 2010


I pulled back the covers to get into bed last night and found this....waiting for me.

My first reaction was of course..."Jaxon!!  Darn kid."
Then I started to giggle.  And then I started to cry.  I do that alot.  How cute it is that I pull back my covers and find all of his little guys in my bed?  And then I got to thinking about what a treasure it is to find his toys in my bed...and that got me thinking all about Jaxon...and how fast he is growing up.
He wants to be a Transformer somedays.
He wants to be a Dinosaur somedays.
He wants to be a Ninja Turtle somedays.

He won't be this little someday.
Someday he will be all grown up, and these toys will be gone.
Someday, I will be wishing that I would I climb into bed and find his toys waiting for me as evidence of an amazing action sequence.
So, I will cherish these little guys I can remember it someday.


Craig, Sarah, Liv & Sev said...

you always have a way of making me remember all the little important things in life. You document everything so well!
I love ya
And now I am depressed that my kids aren't babies anymore.
Thanks :)

Jeni said...

Such a cute post!

I love your top 10 list. Cali is pretty cool, huh? :)