Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It's summer time!!! That means being outside!!! Well...here in Southern California, we are a bit spoiled and we get to be outside all year long!
But...we like to pretend that we don't have summer all year round! So, we got a new jungle gym! Rich and my brother-in-law Evan (thanks Evan!) put this little monster together last weekend. I think we made Jaxon's life with this one.

He loves it.
He fell off it the first day.
He cried.
He got back on it.
He still loves it.

Come over...play on our jungle gym. If you fall, too...I have ice.

He looks so cute!

The hard workers!

He is so handsome!

A boy and his jungle gym...bliss.


Craig, Sarah, Liv & Sev said...

Jax that is SO cool! I can't wait to come climb on it!
XOXO Love you!
-Aunt Sarah