Sunday, February 12, 2012

A quick trip...

My parents were making their way down the coast in search of a town they might like to live in. (YAY!)  So, we were able to make a mini trip up to San Luis Obispo and spend the night with them.

 It was sooo much fun and a much needed visit.  I miss my mom and dad every day.  In May, we will have been here three years, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't miss being closer to them.  But...I have to say that the days following a visit always leave me wishing for more.  My kids miss them.  That kills me more then anything.  So the idea of having them move closer (maybe ONLY 3 hours away!!) makes me so unbelievably happy!!!  I can't wait!!!

Grandpa and Jax

Daddy with Jax and Ella at Seal Beach

Little monkey...