What a trip! Last year, I was asked by a few of the teachers that worked at RRMH, if I wanted to accompany them to DC. They were taking a group of 35 kids during spring break, and asked if I wanted to help chaparone. I , of course, jumped at the chance! We went for 5 days and 4 nights. We saw so many amazing sites. It was so wonderful to stand in the places that so many truly incredible men had stood. It meant so much to me to think of them and they idea that they created. We are so fortunate to live in America, and it was a because of their courage and their bravery that we stand on this American soil today. I am so greatful for my chance to see all of the things I saw. I have a better understanding and a greater love for this country. I loved it.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Washington DC
Posted by Poor Rich Family at 12:01 PM 1 comments
Easter was so much fun! We had a full weekend of dying eggs, searching for eggs, and eating all of the goodies that the easter bunny brought to us! It was a cold morning in ABQ on Easter, so when Jaxon woke up at 6:45am (that it right...no kidding), we went out to hunt eggs. He took one step outside and said "too cold...I no like it," and immediatly went inside. So funny. We had a good day with both sides of the family. It was great to see Grandma Rich and Frankie. We really enjoyed the great conversation. Jaxon, Olivia and Sevrin searched for eggs and Grammie and Papa Ford's house. They loved getting to crack eggs on everyone's heads!
Posted by Poor Rich Family at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Jaxon has been so funny lately. I walked into my room and he was sitting in the middle of all of my shoes. He had made himself a little fort. So cute. He is becoming pretty independant and he is saying so many new things every day. I am in awe of how amazing he is. What a lucky mom I am to have such a great kid.
Posted by Poor Rich Family at 3:33 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Oscars

Posted by Poor Rich Family at 2:02 PM 1 comments