Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Griffith Observatory

Yesterday, we FINALLY went to the Griffith Observatory!  Rich has wanted to go since we moved here, 2 years ago.  So...Jackie and Evan were visiting, so we all jumped in the car to see what it was all about.

It was so neat!!  Jaxon really loved seeing all of the meteorites, and the planets.  The view was gorgeous, too.  We had a great day!

The view was pretty amazing.

My boys.

The girls.

Jackie and Evan by the REAL periodic table of elements.

Jackie, Ella and I learning from the Master.

She just gets cuter...

How does your garden grow??

Jaxon started learning about seeds in school in March, so we decided to plant ourselves a little garden. 

This was our first garden...and to tell you the truth...I didn't really think it would grow.  When we lived in Albuquerque, we never had a vegetable garden. Yes...we had dreams of one, but it never really came to life. can't really plant seeds in Albuquerque and expect them to grow.  You need to start with plants.  So, I didn't have really high hopes. 

Jaxon picked out all of the things he wanted to grow.  Watermelon, corn, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, squash and tomatoes.

I am happy to say...the California sunshine has proved me VERY wrong!  Look at our garden!!  So excited!  We have been eating fresh lettuce with all of our salads and we are anxiously awaiting the rest of our veggies!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ear Piercing!!!

When we went to Albuquerque for Easter...we decided it was time to pierce Miss Ella's ears!  She did awesome!  She cried for only about 10 seconds...and hasn't made a peep about them since.  And...let's face it...she looks adorable!

Before the "event".  She was sleeping so killed me to wake her up to get them done.

From the look on my face, you can see it hurt me WAY more then it hurt her!

All done...just lovin' on mom.

Look how cute she looks...teary eyed and all!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had such a wonderful Easter!!  We went to Albuquerque to spend Easter with our families...and to show off our little girl, of course!   Ella and Jax were both such great little travelers!  It was a LONG drive (12 hours!), but the kids did great awesome!!

We played A LOT of Bingo.

Richie...a TERRIBLE co-pilot!  He sleeps...I don't. :)

One of the many stops to let Miss Ella have a break!

We even made to 100K on our car!! 
Easter was such a great day and the kiddos looked so darn cute!  They are both so stinkin' photogenic...I can't stop taking pictures of them!  We had such a great day...lunch and dinner with both families.  And, Jax got in 2 Easter Egg hunts!  He totally made out when it came to chocolate and money...the kid found over $15.00 between both grandma's Easter Egg hunts!  He was super excited.  Ella got some nice snoozes in as the egg hunts went on!  I think this picture of her in the swing was the one and only time she was put down all week!  She was in some one's arms every minute!  ( I love that!)
He was not happy about taking pictures.

He is so darn cute!

My adorable kiddos!

So pretty in her Easter Dress!!

She wasn't too happy, either.

The one and only time someone was not holding her.

Jaxon's loot!

He loved the Easter Egg hunts!