Monday, September 14, 2009

I am Spiderman!!

So every year when Halloween starts creeping its way into the stores, my mind begins racing with ideas for "the perfect costume" for Jaxon. Since birth, he has allowed me to choose his costume and it has been so fun! Well...this year I was convinced that I could talk my shark costume into his heart as I had done in years past. To my surprise he put he kiabosh on that idea. He expressed to me over and over again that he was going to be matter what! Where did my Halloween power go?? Is it gone forever? Do little girls do this to their mommies? Anyway...we found a Spiderman costume that he LOVES. Actually, I think I will have to hide it or it will be trashed by the time the spooky night rolls around! Chceck out Spidy himself...looking in the mirror!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bike Rider

Jax decided he wanted to ride his new bike out of nowhere 2 days ago. I was a little nervous...but he picked up it and he was off! He is getting so big!