Monday, September 13, 2010


I pulled back the covers to get into bed last night and found this....waiting for me.

My first reaction was of course..."Jaxon!!  Darn kid."
Then I started to giggle.  And then I started to cry.  I do that alot.  How cute it is that I pull back my covers and find all of his little guys in my bed?  And then I got to thinking about what a treasure it is to find his toys in my bed...and that got me thinking all about Jaxon...and how fast he is growing up.
He wants to be a Transformer somedays.
He wants to be a Dinosaur somedays.
He wants to be a Ninja Turtle somedays.

He won't be this little someday.
Someday he will be all grown up, and these toys will be gone.
Someday, I will be wishing that I would I climb into bed and find his toys waiting for me as evidence of an amazing action sequence.
So, I will cherish these little guys I can remember it someday.

Friday, September 10, 2010

We want S'More!

Southern California brought us a little treat this week.  It brought us a little taste of Fall.  It was cool and even windy..okay...well breezy.  I actually wore jeans.  This is a big deal people.  So of course we took this cool weather as a sign that we HAVE to try our our new fire pit.  So we did.  Pulled out the s'more makings and got to it.  So fun.

Check out those flames!!

You want to what???

Jaxon asked me something yesterday that almost knocked the wind out of me.  He asked me if he could...wait for it...COLOR???  My son has NEVER asked if he could color.  I have begged and pleaded with him to color with me and he has never wanted to.  So, in his short 5 years of life, he finally made his mother's wish come true. He colored.  So...of course, I had to take a picture. 
I know...I am so excited, too!!

He colored for 2 hours!!  Holy smokes...I love Kindergarten!!