Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Dad's Big Race

Last year, for Christmas, my mom gave my dad a chance to live his dream.  She bought him an opporunity to drive an Indy Car.  My father has watched Indy Car racing his WHOLE life and because of that...we all have too. On Easter, he was able to drive his race car.  Alone.  In a race car.  Crazy AWESOME!!!!  The WHOLE Family came in to see him do it...I cried twice.  It was so amazing to watch him do it.  So happy for you daddy!!!

After his instruction

More instruction

Getting his radio hooked up.

Helmets On. 

Getting seated.

The was going about 140 mph here!!

I LOVE that he gave a thumbs up as he pulled in the pits.

Such a pro!


Here are my little Chick-a-dees on Easter.  It was like herding cats to get them to smile and pay attention.  We had a CRAZY Easter...15 people at the house, My Dad's Big Race, and a new calling for church, Easter egg hunts, a very rushed Easter Dinner...all in was perfect.