March...Where did March go??? I feel like it flew by!! It was probably because we had so much to do this month. Here is our recap!
1. The Natural History Museum of Houston (Sugar Land Branch)...This awesome museum is right down the road from us. The kids had a great time learning about bats and dinosaurs. Such a great way to spend the day.
Jax is super interested in bats right now...he was so excited to see a special BAT exhibit. |
Ella liked the dinosaurs the best! (I think she loved WALKING through the whole museum...and not riding in a stroller).
2. Ella drew her first person!! It is so darn cute...I am going to frame it.
3. Spring Break!!!
We headed to Albuquerque for the entire Spring Break! We had so much fun with all of the family and great friends. We stayed super busy all seems like there is never enough time to see everyone when we are there. I wouldn't change it...I love running around! The kids had so much fun with all of their cousins. We miss our family so much!!
I love this picture. |
Yep...we have 5 GIRLS in our family, under the age of 5!! |
I love them so much! |
My little nephew Finn...I love him so.
4. THIS TOOTH FINALLY FELL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This tooth has been loose since SEPTEMBER!!!! It has been the topic of every discussion in our house! It was the bain of my existence!!! Jaxon is SOOOO excited it is finally gone, and we didn't have to pull it.

5. Fishing!
Rich took the kids fishing while we were in Albuquerque. Jaxon caught 7 fish and Ella caught 5!! They had so much fun fishing with Grandma and Grandpa and their cousins!
6. This lady!!!
Rich had to go to California for work...just for one day. So...thanks to my sister, Stacey (THANK YOU!!!), I got to tag along! Stacey was kind enough to take care of the kiddos over night so I could go with Rich. While I was there, (for a whole 8 hours), I got to see HEATHER!! Oh how I have missed her! She and her AMAZING daughters ditched their day and hung out with me all day. Breakfast, Lunch, shopping and nails...then a plane ride home. It was soooo much fun.
We EVEN dressed the same!! |
We have been hearing about the Houston Rodeo for years! It did not disappoint! Baby animals, Rodeo, greasy food...what is not to like??
8. My Sweet Olivia (Disclaimer...the next pic is gross)
My niece Olivia fell at school and hit her head on a bookshelf...25 stitches later...she was good as new. She didn't EVEN cry! She is awesome.
9. Jaxon went on his very first field trip! We went to a Wildlife Zoo. He got to ride a tram where the animals came up and ate out of his bucket. Then he got to ride a horse! It was a great day, and I feel so lucky that I got to go with him.
10. My Daddy turned 70!!!
I am one of those girls that is super lucky. I am lucky because I have an amazing dad. This is a pic of him with my nephew, Finn. It explains him perfectly. He has always been a great dad...and an even better grandpa. Happy Birthday Daddy! We Love You!
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