Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pro's Ranch Market...Albuquerque, NM most of you know we are native Albuquerque-ians. We both grew up there, and we miss it sooo much! We try to visit as often as we can, and lately I always want to visit Pro's Ranch Market. It is such a wonderful store to find all of your Mexican food needs. Not only can you find such great also get to be immersed in the music and beautiful color that surrounds you when you walk through the door. I absolutely love this store!! I started to take pictures and the security guards were on me like white on rice to stop me. Weird, right? Oh well. If you ever get to have to eat the food that is prepared in their restaurant. So good.

My sister, Jackie, being my meat market model.
This is right before I got busted by the security guards. :(