Thursday, October 20, 2011

Right now...

1. The days are getting a little that, of course, I mean it is in the low 80's.  It feels a little bit like heaven.

2.  I fall a little more in love with my children every day.  Sometimes it catches me off guard...and I cry.

3. Jaxon is reading...really reading!!!  It is so amazing to see your child learn to read. It makes me want to learn how to do something new...and become really good at it.

4.  I have cooked dinner every single night this week. 

5. I think we are becoming true Californians.  I wore a sweatshirt yesterday and it was 77 degrees outside.  I was cold.  Oh geez.

6. I am in charge of a booth at the elementary school's Fall Festival and I am in charge of our church's Trunk or Treat.  I have literally about 150 things to do, and yet here I sit...blogging.  Oh geez.

7.  Ella turns my day happy every time I look at her.  I can't wait for her to wake up from her naps every day. 

8.  I love, love, love buying little girl clothes. It puts a spring in my step.

9. I miss my food blog.  Must return to it.  After Halloween.  Fur reelz.

10.  Richie brought me flowers this week.  Fall flowers.  Happy flowers.  I love him.